Liebster Award Winner! Yay!

by | Linky Parties

I was nominated in November for the Liebster Award by the fabulous Michelle at the fabulous Music with Mrs. W!

The Liebster Award was created to highlight blogs with growing audiences.

The rules for receiving this award are:

  1. In your post link back to the blogger who nominated you as a thank you and a ‘shout out’.
  2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer. (The questions I have answered please)
  3. Nominate 11 people (Blogs with less than 200 followers) and link them in your post. 
  4. Let your nominees know and provide them with a link back to your post (so they can see the rules)
  5. No nominating the person who nominated you, however send them a thank you 🙂

1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I have kept a personal blog off and on for about 10 years  – before blogging was even cool!  I started this blog because I was getting to so many questions about my Pitch Hill system.

2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?
Outlet.  This blog is an outlet for me.  Being a music teacher can be so isolating sometimes and this gives me a chance to reach out to other music teachers “out there.”  If I have something to share but no one to share it with, I put it here!

3. Is there something you learned late in your blogging journey you wished you knew before?
Though it is great to post as often as you can, it is also ok if your posts are few and far in-between. Sometimes my life just gets in the way.  I have three beautiful little girls that take up most of my time.  My blog and TpT comes after family time.

4. What is your favorite past time other than blogging?
Reading and trying to grow things in the garden.  I am an avid reader and could spend literally all day curled up with a book. I also love to garden, but really stink at it!

5. How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog/TpT?
It can depend on the day but usually about 2 hours a day, so 14 a week?  Wow!  I usually work from about 9p.m. to 11p.m. after my kids go to bed.

6. What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most?
Technology and linky parties!  I love linking up with people and have so many technology ideas and tips to share – I just need more time to write them down!

7. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
Anything and everything!  Sometimes my teaching, sometimes my personal life, sometimes I just randomly think of or see something neat to share!

8. Which post that you’ve written are you most proud of?
I am so proud of my Tech Tuesday linky parties.  I have had several wonderful friends link up each week.   Here’s the post that got me started about iPads!

9. Is there any post you have been planning to do, but have been postponing it for a while now?
A post about my chorus classroom management. I implemented a new system this year for my 100+ member after-school chorus that has worked wonders.  Soon, hopefully!

10. What’s your favorite aspect of blogging?
Connecting with other bloggers and having a sounding board for the things that go on in my classroom.

11. Which recipe, project, or idea on my blog would you be most likely to try yourself?
The Five Healthy Tips for Teachers. I hate to get all personal, but I have been really hoping to get back into better shape now that I am done having babies.  I used to work out and eat healthy very consistently, but have a really hard time sticking

Thanks again for the nomination!

Here are my nominees!

Wrapping Things Up

My final advice? When in doubt, bake cookies! (Pillsbury makes an excellent pull apart cookie dough, I must say). A dozen cookies on someone’s desk can make them feel warm and gooey inside (pun intended). This strategy has been around since the beginning of time and is a tried and true method.

If you are new at school and looking for lessons for the first day, you might also enjoy this post on first day lesson plans! 

Who did I miss? Any other key people in school we should add?



picture of Shelley Tomich

I'm busy mom of three and music educator in Atlanta, GA. My passion is helping busy music teachers deliver time saving, engaging lessons so you have more time to enjoy your life! Click my photo to learn more! Teach music. Love life.

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The cover includes a cartoon drawing of three students creating a maypole. The text on the cover says "Marvelous Maypole: Historical Facts, how to make a DIY maypole, dance instructions, lesson plans, and more!


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  1. Natasa

    Love this theme! I also love what you did around the clock-so clever! I’ve decorated two rooms for the last couple of years. It’s so much work, but yours look fabulous! Regards Natasa

    • Shelley with Pitch Publications

      Thanks and thanks for visiting Natasa!

  2. Melissa Stouffer

    Thanks Shelley! 🙂

    • Shelley with Pitch Publications

      You are so welcome! 🙂

    • Shelley with Pitch Publications

      You are welcome! 🙂


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